Initially a very challenging move because you're really only holding yourself up with your hands. All other inverts up to this point involved a secure grip with at least one leg as well. Even though my feet are on the pole, they are not gripping it. They are somewhat preventing me from wobbling side to side but they are doing nothing to combat the sensation that gravity wants to pull my body away from the pole butt first.
This is an important move to master before trying moves such as the candlestick or extended butterfly.
An online diary of my challenges and triumphs in my favorite indoor pasttime - pole dance!
Welcome to my pole dance page. Although pole dance isn't my main love or my career, it does make up a big part of who I am. I discovered pole dance a few years ago at a studio in Calgary. I tried out a class or two and really enjoyed it, however, it wasn't until I discovered my current, more qualified studio that I really fell head over heels in love with it. Let me clarify that I am not a pole dance instructor. I cannot offer advice or instruction. If you are interested in pole dance, do yourself a huge favour and find a certified instructor. Under no circumstances should you ever attempt even the most basic pole dance moves without qualified instruction. Copying what you see off the internet is a great way to permanently injure yourself. This blog is just a way for me to share my experiences; in no way is it meant to provide instruction.